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Daniel Hutt

Advisor – Security Division

Retired Detective Staff Inspector, Toronto Police Service

Daniel Hutt retired as Detective Staff Inspector, Toronto Police Service, with thirty years experience in various oversight roles. During his policing career, Dan was responsible for creating service efficiencies within the Parking Enforcement Unit and Collision Report Centres, and has coordinated emergency measures during the period of the Subway Disaster and the crash of the Nimrod.

Following his retirement from policing, Daniel undertook the role of Director of Campus Police Services at the University of Toronto for sixteen years. In this role, Dan had conceived and implemented enterprise security systems encompassing 200 buildings and three campuses within the GTA. He had also implemented OPTIC (the Ontario Police records management and computer assisted dispatch systems used by OPP and 40+ police agencies in Ontario), allowing for state-of-the-art dispatch and call centre to streamline operations.

Dan shares his wealth of expertise in security and risk management to find further efficiencies in our Security Division practices and training, to the benefit of our clientele and the members of the public we interact with.