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Nisa Karan

Advisor – Healthcare, Life & Security

Designations: RN, BScN, OHN, COHS(c), RSO, CPM, MBA, Doctoral Candidate

Nisa Karan-Aravinth is an Entrepreneur & a Global Safety, Sustainability and Risk leader. Nisa is recognized as one of Canada’s Top Women in Safety for 2023. She has also been appointed to an Ontario Tribunal, employing her expertise in safety towards protecting public interests. In her professional career, Nisa has held several executive roles, including, serving as Director to a large regional healthcare network and as a Consultant to the World Health Organization’s ‘Global Plan of Action – Worker’s Health’.

Nisa also serves on multiple boards and is the Vice-Chair, Policy and Advocacy Committee, of the Scarborough Business Association.  She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from the Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson), a Masters of Business Administration from Lang School of Business and Economics, and is currently pursuing her Doctorate in Business Administration from Golden Gate University.

Nisa volunteers her time as an international partner of a non-profit social enterprise tackling local socio-economic and environmental challenges in developing nations. She does so through implementing challenge-based learning, grassroots innovation and impact venture building. Nisa also mentors small businesses within the Scarborough community via a Toronto-based community-focused charity, which provides practical business training and mentorship for under-served young people, equipping them with the support and knowledge needed to build resilience and thrive in an ever-evolving world.

Nisa advises on matters related to our healthcare-specific projects, within our Investigations and Security Divisions, respectively. She also provides niche-specific risk managements solutions towards Occupational Health and Safety matters as required by our corporate clientele.